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The Castle

On the northern edge of Triora, within walking distance of the village, stands the castle. To tell the truth, there is not much left of this manor, but the remaining walls with what remains of the tower, placed in the already elevated corner to better see the approach of the enemy, and the cistern maintain their charm intact. Built entirely on the rock by the Republic of Genoa to defend its borders, like the other four fortresses it was damaged several times by the people of Triora in protest against the high taxes. In a famous painting by Matteo Vinzoni from the second half of the 18th century, the castrum vetus Trioriae appears partly ruined, but the Genoese, unable to do without it because of its strategic importance, always rebuilt it. From the castle, another fortress is clearly visible, simply called the fort, which defended the village from above, functioning until 1850 as a customs post with Piedmont. A border castle for a border village, marked in its history by the centuries-old presence of neighbouring Piedmont. A border between the Republic of Genoa and various potentates that for centuries changed names, until that Kingdom of Sardinia which, after the Congress of Vienna, definitively put an end to the function of this imaginary line.
  • Castle
  • Triora
    Contact :
          • Via Castello, 2-3, 18010 Triora IM

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