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GR20 Federation of Wine Roads of Oil and Flavors of Tuscany

The Wine Roads are routes that cross territories with a high productive vocation (wine, olive, PDO and PGI products) that offer particularly significant natural, cultural and historical attractions. We promote rural development, food and wine tourism, so as to enhance local products within a cultural, environmental, historical and social context. The Regional Law of 5 August 2003 n. 45 regulates the roads of wine, extra virgin olive oil and quality agricultural and agri-food products.
The Federation of Wine Roads of Tuscany, transformed on November 2, 2005 into the Federation of Wine Roads of Oil and Flavors of Tuscany, first experience at national level, was born on July 27, 2001 in Montespertoli (FI) to give a regional response to the promotion of activities related mainly to food and wine tourism and can be understood as an integrated tourism system, made up of different territorial realities that have a common and shared vision of local development. The Federation has goals that range from participation in events in Italy and abroad by communicating an image aimed at raising awareness and training operators and sharing objectives at multiple levels, adapting to quality standards and common images to respond reception requirements, quality, accessibility, usability of resources. Therefore the Federation, through the joint commitment of the Streets, gives a further weight to food and wine tourism, one of the most efficient realities to move flows towards the lands of Oil, Wine and Flavors and give voice to those who firmly believe that these products represent more than an economic resource, but rather a philosophy, a way of life, the roots of those who live and live in the countryside; a wealth to share with a responsible consumer and a passionate tourist who seeks the culture of good drinking and good food. Since its inception, the Federation has participated in national events such as: Bit, Vinitaly, Skipass, TTG and others. It jointly creates cultural events on the Tuscan territory.
Contact :
  • Via Lucardese, 74 Montespertoli (FI)

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