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GR11 Palazzo Orsini Museum of Pitigliano

The building that houses the Palazzo Orsini Museum was begun during the thirteenth century by the Aldobrandeschi family. In 1312, it passed to Romano Orsini, who oversaw the construction of a fortified complex, composed of three circular towers connected by perimeter walls. In 1465, the palace was enlarged on the occasion of the wedding of Niccolò III Orsini.
The building that houses the Palazzo Orsini Museum was begun during the thirteenth century by the Aldobrandeschi family. In 1312, it passed to Romano Orsini, who oversaw the construction of a fortified complex, composed of three circular towers connected by perimeter walls. In 1465, the palace was enlarged on the occasion of the wedding of Niccolò III Orsini.
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