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Convent of Saint Anthony, Casabianca

Founded around 1590, the convent of Saint Anthony of Casabianca housed many popular political assemblies or Consults during the period of the "Corsican Revolutions" (1729-1769). It is listed as a Historic Monument.
The conventual buildings, now in ruins, have a regular U-shaped plan and are organised around a cloister. The church, to the north, has an elongated plan with a single nave and a recessed choir. A four-storey bell tower is attached to it. The conventual buildings housed the cells, refectory, kitchens and storerooms.... The church has been used for many years as a communal cemetery by the inhabitants of the village of Casabianca. The convent was founded around 1590 by the Servites of Mary, a religious order founded in Florence in 1233, whose piety is based on the cult of the Virgin Mary. The present church was built between 1604 and 1613. Enlarged during several construction campaigns, it was here, between 13 and 15 July 1755, that the "Suprema Generale Consulta" was held, which saw the proclamation of Pasquale Paoli as General of the Nation, "the man who was judged to be most worthy by so many virtues and qualities". The conventual property was alienated in 1791. A Crucetta, a counter-revolutionary movement led by Agostino Giafferi, met here and the building was burnt down by order of the deputy Christophe Saliceti in the eighth year of the Republic (1799/1800). Some of the works of art that escaped the ruin were dispersed to various churches in the area. In a niche above the church door, there is a high relief sculpture of St Anthony Abbot, considered by the Church to be the father of monasticism.
  • Route
  • Place
  • Casabianca
    Accessibilité :
    • Indoor/outdoor walkway signage
    Services :
    Informative amenities :
    • Information sign
    Contact :
          • Couvent Saint-Antoine, Casabianca, 20237 Casabianca

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