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This eclectic style 19th century building is easily recognizable thanks to the memorial placed on its outside wall to pay tribute to a victim of the Franco-Prussian war.
This building was designed by architect Antoine Nardini who worked in Bastia in the second half of the 19th century. Built in 1888, it is representative of the eclectic style which is borrowed from the main artistic styles that marked history of art. Its molded cement ornament mounted on the wall by metal anchors represents a significant technical achievement for the period. The most striking element is without doubt the memorial in the corner of the building. It is composed of a pillar which features a crown of immortality. A plate reads: “In memory of those fallen in Nuits 1870-1871.” Just below, a cow’s head unfurls a banner which reads: “The virtue of the wise man is his love of respect for his fellow citizens …is his desire to see them rise above their duty to their homeland.” It is in fact a war memorial to honour those who died during the Franco-Prussian war. In a small brochure published in 1889, Nardini explained that he had designed this building out of genuine patriotism hoping others would follow his example. He financed its construction and dedicated it to lieutenant-colonel Graziani, who was one of the key actors in the fighting of 1870 in the Vendée region where he met his tragic death during the Battle of Nuits. The 1889 brochure was incidentally dedicated to his son, General Cesar Graziani in order to convince him to add a bust to the monument. This was however to no avail.
  • Remarkable civil building
  • Place
  • Remarkable house
  • Cultural site
  • Bastia
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